Chapter 17. More complex Configuration Issues

Table of Contents
How can I stop my users from using their space as a warez repository
Can I rotate files out of an upload directory after upload?
How can I hide a directory from anonymous clients.
File/Directory hiding isn't working for me!
I want to prevent users from accessing a hidden directory
How do I setup a virtual FTP server?
How does <Limit LOGIN> work, and where should I use it?

Problems encountered in trying to make the server behave exactly as required after compilation and installation are complete and the server is running.

How can I stop my users from using their space as a warez repository

The above fragment will control anonymous users however if a local user with a full account with up and download capability is abusing their space then the technical measures which can be taken are limited. Applying a sane system quota is a good start, using the mod_quotatab and mod_ratio modules may control the rates of upload/download making it less useful as a warez repository. In the end it comes down to system monitoring and good site AUP's and enforcement.
