.ftpaccess files

The .ftpaccess file is used to give a measure of control to the individual administrator of each VirtualHost without having to disturb the sysadmin everytime a change is required. Each .ftpaccess file can be considered to be a 'floating' section of the <Directory> configuration block.

The file uses the same structure as the main daemon configuration, though there are a significant number of directives which have no meaning within the .ftpacess context.

Example 14-4. .ftpaccess file

# Simple .ftpaccess file to control which IPs
# can access this directory structure
# end

There is no way to disable the use of .ftpaccess files, however for servers with no shell access a simple file filter which blocks .ftpaccess should suffice to prevent users from using the functionality. There are also implications for letting untrained and inexperienced end users from generating their own files as they may lock themselves out of their space or leave it less secure than they intend.
